The Interest Conflict Behind Jackie Chan Jiaozuo Charity

  This newspaper reporter, Lucio

  On December 10, the latest investigation by this reporter showed that Jackie Chan’s Henan Bank Charity Auction raised a total of 8.806 million yuan. In addition to Xinxiang having more than 100,000 yuan in the account, Zhengzhou and Jiaozuo still did not have a penny in the account. Zhengzhou’s organizer, Henan Charity Federation, will soon file a lawsuit against the contractor company, and in the face of the reality that no penny has been credited, Jiaozuo’s organizers, organizers and local relevant departments are still accusing each other.

  After this newspaper published "Jackie Chan’s Henan Trip" Donation Crisis "Investigation on October 30, this newspaper reporter conducted an in-depth investigation into the ins and outs of Jackie Chan’s Jiaozuo Trip. How did Jackie Chan enter Henan? What are the entanglements of interests behind Jackie Chan’s Henan Trip? These have all surfaced one by one.

  Invite Jackie Chan to dinner and finalize the trip to Jiaozuo

  This Spring Festival, 30-year-old Wang Dong, a Jiaozuo man, encountered a door-to-door money-making opportunity. He is the chairperson of Jiaozuo Nuokang Information Consulting Service Co., Ltd., and has relied on Baijiu business and intermediary services to "eat and drink, and the car comes and goes".

  His comrade-in-arms, Alley (a pseudonym), went to Jiaozuo to find him and said: "It’s good to invite Jackie Chan to Jiaozuo to do charity, and it can be done." Wang Dong said that his comrades volunteered when Jackie Chan traveled and were familiar with people from Guangzhou Longzixin Cultural Communication Company.

  Wang Dong has developed a "sure to make money" plan, the first is to use Jackie Chan charity gala ticket sales to make money. "I have a background in wine, I can get good wine and the price is low. Buy tickets and get wine, which unit is not willing?" 5,000 tickets, 1,000 yuan each, gross income is 5 million yuan. This does not include his accumulation of customers through this move, and he expects to earn 10 million yuan in the future when he has more opportunities to make money.

  Soon, Wang Dong took a plane to Guangzhou to meet Hu Guang, the head of Dragon Heart Company, and others, and then took a direct bus to Kowloon to meet Jackie Chan in Hong Kong. "I invited Jackie Chan to dinner, and the seafood I ate was not expensive. After dinner, I sang, and the foreign wine was more than 1,000 yuan a bottle, and I drank more than 10,000 yuan. The girl accompanied the wine for one person for 600 yuan, and asked for seven or eight of Jackie Chan’s friends. I died, and it cost 30,000 or 40,000 yuan to go." Wang Dong added, "We spent at the club on Jackie Chan’s yacht, and Jackie Chan didn’t go to other places to play." Jackie Chan also sang, but did not find anyone to accompany him to drink.

  Jackie Chan’s schedule for Jiaozuo was soon determined in May, unfortunately due to the Wenchuan earthquake. It was later arranged for July, but large-scale events could not be held before the Olympic Games. During the Paralympic Games in September, large-scale events were still not possible.

  Mr. Wang said: "If the event is completed in three months, the 230,000 yuan will come down, but after three tosses, it ended up spending 600,000 to 700,000 yuan. It took too long, and I have to keep in touch with Long Zixin and the government. The cost of food and drink, publicity, and staff costs are all increasing."

  Infighting broke out, and the contractor was disqualified

  On May 28, the Jiaozuo Charity Federation designated Wang Dong’s company as the sole organizer of Jackie Chan’s Jiaozuo charity activities. Based on the requirements of relevant aspects that the organizer must be a cultural company, Wang Dong newly established Jiaozuo Xingyuan Cultural and Art Planning Company.

  On July 3, the Jiaozuo Municipal Government Office issued a notice to establish a "Jackie Chan · Longzixin Jiaozuo Bank" charity event preparatory committee, deputy mayor and president of the Charity Federation, Yin Ru, director of the preparatory committee, and Wang Dong, deputy director of the office of the preparatory committee.

  Wang Dong said that his partners did not trust him and kept asking him how much money he could earn.

  "They are too greedy, one has to manage the accounts, the other has to manage the accounts, this has to supervise, and that has to supervise." So Wang Dong scolded an official of the organizer in front of his face, saying: "Is there anyone who does this? You demolish the bridge before crossing the river. You can’t get out of the office alive today, do you believe it?" Wang Dong recalled that the official was "so scared that he lay on the table and cried."

  On July 10, the Jiaozuo City Charity Federation issued an "official letter on the cancellation of the agreement" to Wang Dong. The official letter said that Nuokang Information Consulting Service Co., Ltd. violated the agreement and "without authorization engraved the official seal of the’Jiaozuo Jackie Chan · Longzixin Charity Preparatory Committee Preparatory Committee ‘, and opened an account without authorization to collect funds from all walks of life." The agreement was cancelled immediately. The Preparatory Committee also ended fruitlessly.

  Zhang Lin, deputy director of the Jiaozuo Civil Affairs Bureau and secretary general of the Charity Federation, told JIN: "There must also be rules for the commercialization of companies. What if the money is not put into a special account and is swept away? So, we quit."

  In July, Liu Wankui’s Henan Wankui Creative Media and Culture Consulting Company became a partner of Wang Dong, who wants to do it in Zhengzhou.

  At this time, Beijing Longteng Zhongtian International Media Culture Company suddenly appeared and contacted Henan Charity Federation and Xinxiang Charity Association. On July 21, Henan Charity Federation sent a letter to Jackie Chan inviting him to do charity activities in Zhengzhou, with Longteng Zhongtian as the organizer. In September, Long Zixin accepted the invitation to come to Zhengzhou and Xinxiang.

  Jackie Chan went to Jiaozuo, and the organizer paid a mess

  Mr. Wang was forced to return to Jiaozuo. Although his company broke the agreement with the Jiaozuo City Charity Federation, the government’s document designating Mr. Wang’s company as the contractor was not revoked. Mr. Wang persuaded the government that "it will not affect Jiaozuo’s image". "In September, I spent 100,000 yuan on advertising in Zhengzhou just to stimulate the relevant departments in Jiaozuo," he said.

  On October 10, the Jiaozuo municipal government sent a letter to Long Zixin, "The organizer was changed from the Charity Federation to the Jiaozuo International Committee of the Red Cross." The next day, Xingyuan Culture and Jiaozuo International Committee of the Red Cross signed a cooperation agreement.

  Preparatory organizing committee was soon established, Jiaozuo City International Committee of the Red Cross executive vice president Chen Xiaodong as director, the director of the Government Legal Affairs Office Song Deru as deputy director. At this time, Wang Dong has invested almost all the assets, even the car is sold.

  On October 16, Jackie Chan came to Jiaozuo. After Jackie Chan left, a financial income and expenditure of the organizing committee showed that the operating income of the event was only 44,156 yuan for tickets and 20,000 yuan for sponsorship.

  "Tickets are 100 yuan each, and I can sell 5,000 tickets for 500,000 yuan," Mr. Wang said. "However, Chen Xiaodong signed and sent more than 3,600 tickets, which were basically given to government departments, leading to the rampage of ticket dealers at Jackie Chan’s concert, and a ticket was sold for 10 yuan and 8 yuan. He deprived me of my rights and has breached the contract." "I didn’t know Wang Dong before, and when I signed the agreement, I didn’t know how he could host this event. Later, I found out that there were only two people in their company, including him, and the people who sold the tickets were temporarily hired." Chen Xiaodong told the newspaper reporter, "I didn’t want to participate either. However, the government appointed us to be the organizers, and the only requirement was to ensure that Jackie Chan’s event in Jiaozuo would not go wrong. I was appointed as the director of the organizing committee. Of course, I have to sign to get the ticket, otherwise it will be a mess. The ticket delivery is also agreed by so many members of the organizing committee. "

  Afraid that the auction will be cold, participating companies will bid indiscriminately

  On the afternoon of October 16, at the charity auction of Jackie Chan’s treasured items, the tide rose one after another. The nine auction items that Jackie Chan brought to Jiaozuo together with the clothes on his body were auctioned for a total of 4.60 million yuan. The Jiaozuo Notary Office notarized the whole auction process.

  But why has the donation not been received yet?

  Wang Dong said: "Before Jackie Chan came, the relevant departments were afraid of the cold scene, so they decided to make this show for the sake of face. I was only responsible for coordination in the organizing committee, and I didn’t even have a position, so I didn’t go to the scene."

  He said that the organizing committee issued invitations to many companies, stipulating that they must go, and the entrance fee is 2,000 yuan. "The government still made a determined effort, and the bosses should know it well, so they bid indiscriminately."

  Mr. Chen denies that, arguing that whoever took the money would have to pay because the contract was already in effect. "The International Committee of the Red Cross is only responsible for activities without problems, and is responsible for receiving donations." Director Song Deru knows the situation best, he said.

  Song Deru said: "I’m just helping them, we have no legal relationship. You have to find President Chen Xiaodong to understand the situation."

  Nowadays, all the items that Jackie Chan auctioned that day are placed in cartons and temporarily sealed in the Jiaozuo Municipal Government Archives.

  As for how to chase after bidders’ donations, Wang Dong said: "At that time, it was said to be a show, so why are you talking about chasing after them? If the government asks me to ask for it, you have to give me a document or something."

  The organizing committee owes money, and the creditor asks the organizer for it.

  Chen Xiaodong said: "The organizers will definitely ask for this money. We were arranged by the government to be the organizers, so I kept reporting to the municipal government and asked the leaders to coordinate."

  The money will be used to build a school in Jiaozuo 33, a shantytown in the mining district of Ma Cun. The stone tablet that government leaders laid with Jackie Chan is buried in the school. Jackie Chan also became the honorary principal of the middle school, which will be renamed Longzixin School. However, the school is not without money for reconstruction.

  Guo Desheng, the principal, said: "There is no difficulty in the school. Because we are going to be demolished by the South-to-North Water Diversion, the government will definitely allocate funds, and it will definitely be completed next year. Part of Jackie Chan’s funding may ease the pressure on the district government. Without this kind of donation, it will be built sooner or later. The place is marked, and the light will start."

  It is understood that the compensation cost of the South-to-North Water Diversion is very high.

  The school funded by Jackie Chan was not short of money. It is unknown how the school was introduced to Jackie Chan in the first place.

  Wang Dong said: "Others have been popular, and I have taken the blame, and I may end up deceiving the Jiaozuo municipal government, deceiving Longzixin, and deceiving the people of Jiaozuo." The organizing committee owes 20 or 30 salespeople salaries, as well as more than 100,000 yuan for lighting, sound, stage art, advertising, etc. They all ask Wang Dong to settle the bill. The relevant government personnel also called him: "In the end, if you can’t get the money back, the contractor will defraud the government, and your company will have to close down." Dongfang Jinbao

Editor in charge: Li Erqing