Online car-hailing has repeatedly found "Overlord single" passengers who lost contact after applying for a mobile phone trumpet to call a car

  Recently, a number of online taxi drivers reported to the Beijing Morning Post reporter that some passengers did not check out after getting off the bus, their mobile phone number was lost, and the fare of hundreds of yuan could only be considered unlucky in the end. The reporter’s investigation found that most of these passengers who took advantage of them with ulterior motives used mobile phone temporary numbers. There are many software that can apply for mobile phone temporary numbers for free, that is, without changing the number, they can get a small number that can make calls and send and receive text messages. In fact, the original intention of this telecommunications service is to allow the owner to use a small number to prevent harassment and avoid privacy leakage. However, some people take a fancy to the feature that the service number is not easy to trace and do illegal things, such as harassing others, not giving money for taking online car-hailing, and not recognizing the account after sending text messages. Being "bullied" by the temporary number, can I really only suffer a dumb loss? The reporter learned that although the temporary number application procedure is simple, it has also undergone real-name authentication. As long as you find the right service provider, there are also traces to follow.

  Phenomenon investigation

  Didi repeatedly finds "Overlord single" evading passengers so arrogant

  A few days ago, Xiao Ma, the driver of Didi’s special car, and a reporter from the Beijing Morning Post talked about a bad thing. "Every month, we can encounter a few passengers who deliberately do not pay the fare, and they are usually large orders. It is useless for us to report to the company, and the work is in vain."

  Xiaoma showed the reporter his background records. Since the end of October, he has had more than 700 yuan in fares that cannot be recovered, and four of them are over 100 yuan. Although there is a button to "urge payment" after each fare, it is useless for him to "urge payment" many times.

  Xiao Ma said that because the Didi Chuxing platform allows passengers to take the car first and then pay, drivers generally do not force passengers to pay before getting off, which is also very rude. "Some people are indeed in a hurry to get off and forget, but the next time they call a car and receive a prompt, they will not say anything about paying. Those who really default, the back-end customer service dials their registration number and loses contact directly."

  The pony also showed the reporter a text message conversation with one of the passengers. The content in front was still the determination of the route between the passenger and the driver. After the pony sent a text message reminding the other party to pay, the other party said, "What’s wrong with not giving you money? I won’t get married yet." Then, the pony was blocked by the passenger, "I have nothing to do, and I have suffered a dumb loss." Yesterday, a reporter from the Beijing Morning Post called the number several times, but no one answered.

  In interviews with reporters, it was found that Didi drivers who encountered "evasion" were not uncommon, and there was even a growing trend. Most of the orders that were not paid were large, generally more than 100 yuan.

  After being deceived several times, the driver’s pony and his peers found the trick, "They use the’temporary number ‘registered ride-hailing software, spend a few dollars to buy a number, and find opportunities to escape hundreds of yuan or even more at any time." As for whether the passenger who placed an order for a ride used a "temporary number", it was difficult for the driver and the Didi platform to know, so they could not do "early warning".

  Phone harassment and abuse, call back is empty in the past

  Zhou Jun once received several inexplicable abusive text messages in a row for a period of time, "It’s very obscene, and I didn’t explain the reason, so I directly attacked me and my family. When I received the first one, I thought it was the other party who sent the wrong message, but I didn’t expect that in the next few days, abusive text messages would come one after another, and each time the number was different, so it was useless to blacklist." Zhou Jun couldn’t think of who he had offended recently. After calling back the number of the text message, he was hung up after several busy tones of "beep beep".

  Xiao Ran, a online shopper on Double Eleven, also had a similar experience. According to her, she gave the store a "medium review" because she was not satisfied with the quality. Half an hour later, she received a call from a man who said her name accurately and began to abuse her. The confused Xiao Ran had no choice but to block the caller number, but soon after, she received another landline number, "I just opened my mouth and heard that it was the same person just now, who continued to abuse and curse me."

  Xiao Ran asked her boyfriend to call back two numbers, but the voice prompt "The number does not exist", "I checked with the Taobao seller, and the other party denied making harassing calls to me. Unfortunately, I really have no direct evidence, so I can’t complain to them."

  Similarly, Zhou Juncai suddenly realized when he saw that there were even online shop owners who posted articles to recruit peers and used temporary numbers to "clean up" to give bad reviews to buyers. "Now that the real-name system for phone numbers is so strict, this temporary number function simply helps those who want to do evil and wears masks."

  Journalist experience

  Temporary account is easy to register, and multi-platform can be experienced for free

  The so-called temporary number that can be bought for a few dollars can really help people who want to take advantage of it to "escape the order" smoothly?

  A reporter from the Beijing Morning Post investigated and found that by searching for words such as "small number", "temporary number" and "one card multiple number", a lot of network software can indeed be found. Among them are not only applications developed by large telecom operators such as China Mobile and China Telecom, but also software developed by large companies such as Alibaba and some unknown technology companies.

  According to China Telecom’s "Tianyi Small" APP, users can have two telecom numbers in the same place at the same time, namely the main number and the secondary number, without changing the phone or the card. Users can switch the number at will for voice and SMS communication, and the main and secondary numbers can independently receive incoming calls and text messages.

  Ali’s small APP introduction also said that through the software, users can use an additional new number on the same mobile phone without a new card. This number can not only make and receive calls and send and receive text messages normally, but also independently set the use time, switch status, do not disturb time, etc.

  In the above software, users can apply for a temporary number through the registration software, and choose the single-day number, monthly number, and annual number freely. The price of each number ranges from a few dollars to more than ten dollars, and some software even provides free trials.

  In addition, the reporter learned that the fees incurred by users to make calls and send text messages with the software will be deducted from the phone number used by users when registering and registering the software, and the fees charged by the software are only "service fees".

  Small numbers and temporary numbers are indeed sufficient to ensure the privacy of customers. The reporter noticed that the mobile phone numbers and landline phone displays of multiple number segments of multiple operators applied for were irregular.

  Reporters experience temporary numbers, text messages to call a car are unobstructed

  The reporter chose a small platform, logged in through the Alipay account and mobile phone number, and applied for a mobile phone number starting with 132 in Nanning, Guangxi for free. It was very convenient to make calls and send text messages to relatives and friends through the software.

  In addition, reporters use this number to register multiple applications, including Didi Chuxing, Mall, Meituan Takeaway, and can receive verification text messages and log in smoothly.

  Yesterday, the reporter used the temporary number to call a car through Didi Chuxing. After receiving the order, the driver did not know the phone number used by the reporter on the platform. As for whether the number used by the reporter was a temporary number, the online car-hailing driver had no way of knowing and would not ask. But during the subsequent chat, the driver nodded again and again as to whether he had the experience of "being evaded", "I couldn’t find anyone at all later."

  On another app called "Privacy Protection Phone", users can become full members for only 20 yuan, and then call others through the software, and the other party’s mobile phone will display a completely random caller number. After the reporter’s experience, it was found that, for example, when calling B with A mobile phone, the caller ID of B mobile phone is a fixed phone starting with 0532 and originating from Qingdao, Shandong. Then the reporter used B mobile phone to call back this number many times, and the voice prompted "The network is busy" and then hung up by himself.

  In addition, if users are willing to pay more, they can also become a premium member and a lifetime member of the software. In addition to helping members "incognito", the platform can also make members "change their voices" and perfectly disguise the identity of the caller.

  user query

  Temporary number to protect privacy, but also convenient for others to spoof

  "Harassment prevention," "shopping and ordering," "food and ride-hailing" and "privacy protection" are the "common goals" mentioned in the advertising slogans of these software makers, allowing applicants to have one more contact information without changing their numbers.

  Ms. Chang has registered a temporary number with an Ali account since May this year, "because I had to rent a house during that time, every time I called the agent, I received a lot of return visits in a few days, and there will be endless calls from the sales agent in the future." So she used the temporary number on the recommendation of her colleagues, "Anyway, it’s pretty good for me, and it can block a lot of troublesome calls."

  Another user said that he used the temporary number as a "special number" to connect with customers. "The temporary number is closed during non-working hours, which is much quieter, and it will not affect family and friends to contact me."

  However, the temporary number brought convenience to some people, but it also caused a lot of trouble to the drivers of the special car. In addition, some people also raised concerns about the function of the temporary number software, "While it is convenient for ordinary users, it is also convenient for scammers?"

  Mr. Zhang, who once used a temporary account to joke with his friends, recalled, "I used to pretend to be a roommate’s admirer and send him a text message to joke, and I actually chatted back and forth for a night. After that, I felt very unreliable. If criminals can’disguise ‘casually, will we all be in an unsafe online environment in the future? Choose a temporary account and change it later, and you don’t have to be responsible for anything."

  Small user guide


  A variety of software allows a card to have multiple numbers through registration, without the need for a new SIM card.


  It is exactly the same as other phone numbers, except that it is different from the local number and can make calls and send text messages.


  The fees incurred by users making calls and sending text messages with the software will be deducted from the phone number used at the time of registration, and the software only charges service fees.

  This edition is written by Zhang Jingshu, a reporter for the Beijing Morning Post