Overcome the five psychological obstacles of running together!

Usually, the biggest obstacle to running has nothing to do with legs and lungs; It’s about what you think Here’s how to clear some common psychological barriers so that you can go out for a run.

Obstacle: Exercise is really too painful!

Overcome: Kristi Greenleaf, a professor of ergonomics at the University of Wisconsin, said: "Facing the problem and solving it can help you overcome the difficult first training, instead of being bothered by the problem. Find a friend to take a walk with; You can watch your favorite sitcom while running on the treadmill; Play a tune that can evoke your good memories when you exercise. Studies have shown that listening to music can reduce fatigue and make you feel less tired during exercise. " Greenleaf said: "In any case, you can focus on other things, which will be more helpful than paying attention to your body’s feelings all the time." When you gain more experience and your body adapts to training, you can pay more attention to your body and make appropriate adjustments. " Remember, everyone will feel tired when they start exercising. Jeff Gaudai, founder head coach of RunnersConnect, said during online training: "Every exercise starts with pain, but you have to believe that it will make you feel better."

Obstacle: I’m worried that people will laugh at me!

Overcome: When you go to the gym for the first time, you can ask a friend to go with you, or run after the runner when you run. Or you can meet some people who are running for the first time online. Studies have shown that whether you are with friends, with a group of people, or meeting friends who exercise online, you will increase your chances of persisting in exercise. Everyone will feel shy when they exercise for the first time. Susan Monk, training coordinator of Atlanta Roller Skating Club, said: "She often hears that people are too shy to get out of their cars when they come to training for the first time." Green Jeff, a researcher at the University of Wisconsin, said: "We will fall into the anxiety and fear of negative comments from others, but the reality is that most of the time people only care about themselves." Mandy Soken, the coach of the running center, suggested finding a group of people who don’t run and still support you, whether it’s your lover, parents, roommates, boss or colleagues. She said, "People who don’t run will think that you used to be a person who was too lazy to move on the sofa. Even if you ran for 2 miles, it was a shocking thing for them."

Obstacle: I’m too busy!

Overcome: Susan Paul, a coach and exercise physiologist at the Track Shake Foundation in Orlando, suggests running at a time of day that won’t distract you. For most people, this time is in the morning, there is no meeting plan and the children are still in bed. Susan said, "If running is the first thing you do in a day, you won’t have time to make excuses. And make sure that you have set aside enough time to exercise, so that exercise will not interfere with your whole day. Charles Duhigg, the author of The Power of Habit, said: "If running in the morning means that you have to speed up your work and bear the pressure of being late, exercise will start as a punishment, and your brain will start to exercise in a negative way, which will make it difficult to make exercise a habit."

Obstacle: I missed a week’s exercise because of work (or injury, illness, or other excuses). If I start exercising again, I feel there will be too much training, so I might as well give up.

Overcome: Online training coach Jeff Gaudet suggested that you press the restart button and start over as if you were playing a game. He said, "Forget the past and focus on what you can control today. Ask yourself, can I run today? Can I make myself better? " You may be surprised to find that your recovery speed is so fast. Paul said: "Even beginners are amazed at how quickly they can get back on track. Even if they rest for two weeks, they don’t lose as much as they think."

Obstacle: I exercise so hard, but I haven’t made any progress!

Overcome: Exercise requires patience. Many positive changes are not so easy to see when you start exercising, especially when you look in the mirror. Paul said: "Everyone wants to lose weight in an instant, or they can run far and fast right away. As long as you insist on losing weight, your muscles, ligaments and tendons need time to recuperate." Paul explained: "There will be more capillaries in the body (that is, tiny blood vessels that transport oxygen and waste into and out of cells), more mitochondria (cells in the energy production structure), and more enzymes to help body fat to be used as fuel. In addition, every time your foot hits the ground, it stimulates bone growth and makes bones stronger and denser. When you have no patience, you will do too much, too fast and too fast, and get injured because of overload, and then you will feel that running is harmful to you. "

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